Friday, August 29, 2008

Laundry Quandry

My laundry room is a room inside my home but is has no windows and only one door. I have always wanted to make it a special place by doing something interesting like maybe a cobblestoen floor and painting the walls and cabinets an exciting color then painting a window scene on one wall to make it appear like you are looking out a window onto a quaint European street somewhere. Then I found this:

And now I cannot make up my mind between the scene which is totally unuseful but really cool, or this drying rack. Any thoughts?


Zip n Tizzy said...

I might not be the best one to answer because I'm totally pragmatic, but I would absolutely go with the drying rack!

T.L. said...

I would go with the drying rack, too. Very chic.

Goddess said...

It looks like the design of the drying rack looks very much like a window. You could paint a lovely outdoor scene (well-sealed!) into the back of the drying rack, and that way you would have both! After all, the rack won't ALWAYS be covered, and it would add depth to the room.

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