Monday, July 21, 2008

Where do you start? Redecorate!

I love the elements of design but sometimes I am so overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the task ahead. So, I try to break down my projects into many parts, once one is accomplished I can move on to the next. I have checked out so many websites for information and many of them are forthcoming about how to approach your project in their book or materials that you must purchase, but not a lot of "how to" information out there for free. Here's where I can help, of course you will also have to wade through my trials and tribulations in my own design and decor projects. I am a big believer in doing is learning. If you try and it does not work out, you can always try again. That is why I like the idea of starting with redecorating instead of all out decorating from scratch.

Redecorating uses the items you already have in your home to mock up your space. If you place items where they fit and look good, then you can get a much better idea of how your space will look. That does not mean that the couch you borrowed from your family room will not ever go back to where it was, but you may ultimately decide you like it better somewhere else in your home and you will buy a new one for the family room or do without because it was never really right in the family room anyway.

To redecorate you must remove everything from the room or space that you are working on (yes, that means whatever is on the walls, too). Once you have the space cleared you can start moving pieces back into the room, starting with the largest (usually a couch) and working your way down by size until it looks good and is comfortable to you. After all, you have to live there so it must be comfortable for you!

Then after you have placed all the furniture that the space needs you can place accessories and hang pictures and other wall art. Here's a hint: The best placement for furniture in normally not against the walls (notice I said normally and in some cases that is the only place for some furniture). Do not be afraid to borrow furniture and accessories from other places in your home, you can put it back where it came from you are trying to get a good feeling for what you ultimately want your space to look and feel like.

After you are done you can assess wall color, whether you need some new furniture or accessories, lamps or a rug. It will all come together.

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